Agenda: June 21, 2023

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 6:00pm
Centennial Planning Committee Agenda
June 21, 2023          6:00 – 7:00 pm
Allison Public Meeting Room
(Basement-level of Speedway Municipal Center)


  1. Speedway Unplugged Camp Presentations (5:30 – 6:00 pm)
    1. 5th thru 8th Grade participants of the camp will present their ideas for the Centennial Celebration using their effective communication skills
    2. Make sure we have our phones off and put away for this portion
  2. Goals & Objectives
    1. Goal for the committee
      1. Create, design, produce, and promote the events and activities which are intended to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Speedway in 2026. 
    2. Goal for today
      1. Sign-up sheet for new attendees
      2. Split into Groups
      3. Add details to existing event ideas (Open Discussion)
        1. On Note Cards Fill in the following info:
          1. Category
          2. Event
          3. Details
          4. Timing
          5. Cost
          6. Target Audience
          7. Objective
          8. Risk
          9. Required Approvals
      4. Add any new ideas
      5. Select subcommittee or leadership preferences – Subcommittees are TBD but will likely be focused on combining similar projects/events
        1. Write on card your Name and preference of events that you would like to participate
        2. Do you want to be a team leader, chairperson, secretary, or treasurer?
        3. Any additional details
        4. Turn cards in at end of meeting or send email
  3. Meeting Cadence
    1. Next meeting is TBD – looking at September 20th
    2. Also meet quarterly in 2024
      1. subcommittees meeting more often
    3. 2025 TBD
  4. Meeting Wrap-up
    1. Thank you for coming