Did you know that as a Speedway residential water & sewer customer, you automatically receive a Summer Sprinkling Credit? In fact, the Summer Sprinkling Credit has been in effect since 1966.


The Summer Sprinkling Credit is applied towards the sewer portion of the utility bill. When residential customers use excess water during the summer months, no additional sewer charges are incurred for this excess water usage. Your individual usage during January, February, and March are averaged to determine your summer Sprinkling Credit rate. Customers will not pay any sewer charge higher than what was charged during the winter months. Customers receive this Summer Sprinkling Credit adjustment automatically.


Summer months, as defined for the Summer Sprinkling Credit, usually run from the second week of April through the first week of October. This timing varies because it is dependent on when the meter is last read for March consumption. Because this active date range varies, customers occasionally and unknowingly fill their pool before the Summer Sprinkling Credit date range begins, consequently, missing the sewer adjustment.


Again, Speedway residential customers automatically receive the Summer Sprinkling Credit – it is not necessary call to request activation. We do, however, encourage you to call before filling your pool to ensure you are doing so within the Summer Sprinkling Credit qualification date range.