SPEEDWAY SCARECROW CONTEST - One more day to vote!

We are the Speedway scarecrows,
a bit raggedy and worn.

Some of us wear hats,
or a flannel shirt that's torn.

We've loved your many visits to us,
and now we ask that you take note.

Today will be your last day,
to come check us out and vote!


In the last three days, votes in the SPEEDWAY SCARECROW CONTEST have jumped from 500 to just under 700 - following is an update of today's standings!

First place is holding at 156 votes - with 2nd place just THREE votes behind at 153! Third place and fourth place stand with just a one vote difference at 136 and 135 respectively.

To vote, visit the Scarecrow Contest Voting Ballot.

The Top Three favorites will be announced sometime tomorrow on October 31.